At River Academy of Excellence, our physical therapists have a doctorate level education and follow Pennsylvania’s certification requirements. Our school physical therapists seek up-to-date treatment options and incorporate these into sessions so that students work to achieve their gross motor and mobility goals in a fun, functional environment set for academic achievement.

Types of services that school-based physical therapists can provide include:

  • Posture, walking, and sitting techniques for classroom participation

  • Strengthening and range of motion activities 

  • Endurance activities for participation in school-related events

  • Development of gross motor skills 

  • Balance and coordination techniques

  • Functional mobility skills 

River Academy of Excellence understands the unique needs of each student and takes family concerns, teacher input, and administration direction into consideration when determining if physical therapy services are appropriate in the school setting, making a team decision for the betterment of each student.  Our school physical therapists encourage on-going classroom support to incorporate strengthening, balance, coordination, and endurance-related activities during the school day.

Through expertise and experience, our school physical therapists are well equipped to support each student’s needs in a positive learning environment to promote academic success at a level of excellence that surpasses expectations


Our PTs can help with:

  • Posture and gait

  • Splinting and casting

  • Strength and range of motion

  • Endurance

  • Development of gross motor skills

  • Balance and coordination

  • Functional mobility skills

  • Orthopedic and athletic rehabilitation